Phaver & BitKeep Lens profile whitelist campaign

1 min readAug 4, 2022


Phaver & BitKeep Lens profile whitelist campaign

Phaver is a Share-to-earn decentralised social app for the most interesting feed on your phone​.This event is jointly organized by Phaver & BitKeep.

Phaver will provide Whitelist for Lens Profile for first 2000 people who complete all steps and leave their wallet address.

  • Event time:2022.08.01–2022.08.14 (GMT+8)
  • Event Rules
  1. Users need to complete all tasks in gleam and create a BitKeep wallet account to deposit 100usdt equivalent assets. BitKeep Website:
  2. Please ensure that your airdrop address is a BitKeep wallet polygon address.
  3. Invite new users through BitKeep Wallet to get more rewards.Rewards will be distributed according to the entries ranking. All rewards will be distributed within 10 working days after the event ends.
  4. Warning: Cryptocurrency investments involve risks. The information on this poster shall not be construed as investment advice from BitKeep.

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