How communities could take their bond to the next level with current and upcoming Dreem builds
1- Explore 3D virtual spaces on Mac or Windows and meet up with your community to have a chat or audio dialogue.
This is much more powerful than text/read on 2D chat interfaces which are said to be dropping in engagement.
2- Get together with your community and customize your very own virtual space with a low code metaverse builder.
They know everyone out there in web3 isn’t a dev, which is why DREAM focused on giving you the tools to create your own virtual world
3- Gate certain areas of the community by requiring users to own an NFT or token to enter.
This means that not everyone can enter a bar, or an exhibit, or an arena.
This helps your community offer exclusive services and create deeper bonds amongst users.
4- Hold events such as AMAs and launch parties in the metaverse for your community.
2D chat groups are old school. If you want an engaged audience for an AMA or a launch, have them enter a virtual world
Like what you hear so far? Check out a realm for a community and connect with them to learn more